My little humble veggie plot in my back garden in Dunstable Bedfordshire.

Monday 7 May 2007

It's raining at last

At last some rain this will do plants & Veg nicely, Doing nothing in garden today as it's wet and everything is up to date, I was given some cucumbers plants yesterday "Marketmore" they are a outdoor type so that will interesting also my indoor "Petina" cucumbers is doing well.

Also having some ideas on the veggie plot area there will be some trellis panels added and a new greenhouse also a redesign on the entrance into the veggie plot from the back gate.

I am in year 3 of a 5 year plan to redesign of my back garden so my disabled mum can enjoy the garden more, I do this as and when the budget allow this.

Year 1 was clear & tidy garden and declare war on the Bramble & Bindweed
Year 2 build the decking and lay top grade weed fabric down and then woodchip also did the front garden as well also planted rose bed 1 for my mothers 70th birthday started growing some veg. Planted Melo Cherry, Conference Pear, Bramley Seedling Apple, Also put in place some fence posts for the garden sails that I had made there will be 2 of these one for the patio and the other over the deck near the lean too.
Year 3 so far bulit my new shed slight redesign of the veggie plot and planted 3 more fruit trees Opal Plumm Stanley Plum, Red Heaven Peach
Year 4 at the moment in the pipeline is to remove other shed and replace with polytunnel and complete redesign of the veggie plot also plant some more fruit. Also to replace lawn by rasing 3 to 4" to the level of the deck for my disabled mum.
Year 5 I have no idea yet but hopefully sit back and enjoy my hardwork.

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